Tuesday, 27 March 2012


A TEXAS model was saved in a car crash - thanks to her 38KKK (Australian size 16KKK) breasts.
Sheyla Hershey escaped with only bruising.

"They saved my life," the 32-year-old Brazilian said. "They cushioned the impact of the blow. I would be dead without them. My breasts stopped my face and my head being hit. I am so thankful for them."

Hershey, who has had at least 10 boob jobs and plans to increase her bust size to 38MMM, crashed near her home in Houston.

"I was on my way to meet my husband and our two kids at a friend's house, but I started to feel dizzy," she said.
"I swerved to avoid a dog and ended up writing off my car. I hit a tree, spun round three times and then hit another tree on the other side of the road. But I am OK. It could have been much worse."

Sheyla Hershey started out as a B-cup, but 13 years, 22 operations, $250,000 and five litres of saline later she is a whopping KKK.

Despite not being able to find clothes that fit, tie her shoelaces or jog, she says she still loves her breasts "like they are my kids".
"They are the most good thing in my life," Hershey told television program My Strange Addiction, even though they had to be done in Brazil because Texas law limits the amount of silicone that can be injected into breast implants.
Hershey has 2.51 litres of silicone in each breast.


  1. 2.5 liters gosh is that not too heavy for you......that can cause you heart failure cos its too fucking heavy....you look attractive thou and am in love with the boobs i must confess....but plz dont do another for the sake of you beauty and health......stfayrouz

  2. Whatever happened to seat belts?...
