Saturday, 3 March 2012

Michelle … New Wine in a New Bottle

Music, they say is therapeutic. It heals even when it hits you hard; leaving no broken bones, only sweat breaking from the moves you’ve been bursting. But lately, music in this part of the world seems to have hit an all-time dry. Repetitive lyrics, similar beats, little or no vocal dexterity, same theme, ‘make me want to yawn’ hooks, simply put, nobody puts in more than a voice to a beat. How sad. How then do we get the healing element from music if it’s all vulgar and empty lyrics?
                Of late quite a few artists have gone back to the music board to put pen to paper and step up to the mic with positive vibes, lyrical content, and that ting in the voice we have always looked out for. One of these new cats I must say is Michelle.
 With the likes of 2face, Nneka, Fela, Laurynhill and Bob Marley Taurus Riley, Diana King as mentors, her lyrical content is on point and like a straight arrow. Not relying on auto tune to keep her on key, she’s a breath of fresh air with two singles (Protection and Don’t turn your back on me) already enjoying air play and a third single anticipated to drop much later in march, Michelle is set to make the spotlight hers.
Michelle Ekisowe, calls her kind of music, Reggae Fusion and picked up music professionally in 2005. With her inspiration drawn from day to day life and living, this Bayelsa state born music genius has her debut album set to drop in the later parts of 2012. Guess it’s time to let this genie in a bottle pop out and rule… since she’s got music which is the food of life, let her play on.

Friday, 2 March 2012


ICDB is marked every first Sunday of March, a project of UNICEF launched in 1991. It encourages broadcasters around the world to focus on issues concerning children by producing programmes for and about children.

Education is the greatest legacy any nation can bequeath on its young people. According to statistics from the office the Millennium Development Goal (MDS), about 8.2 million children lack access to education in Nigeria. Even in states where education is supposedly free, teachers and the school authourities impose frequent levies and other conditions which defeat the purpose and intentions of government. The wide gap between public and private school education is a sure breeding ground for discontent, mistrust and apathy in our future leaders. How can we provide a level-playing ground for our children in the access to, and the quality of education?

Save for some public office holders who spare them a thought at festive seasons, Nigerians seem too preoccupied with their own socio-economic pressures to remember the less-privileged members of our society. What do we know about orphans in charity institutions? Who provides for the upkeep and their education? In a society where success in life may depend on your family background and connection, what are the chances of an orphan?

Save the future... save the child

The Price of Compromise

Most times life throws us on a path that's torn in two: Our principles against our imminent need.
Most times choosing is the only choice we have,
the the choice we make ends up defining our personality for the better part of our lives.
Do we go with the flow, or swim against the tide?
Do we join the band wagon or walk the untreaded path?
These questions stab our complacency especially when a lot is at stake
First one must come to terms with him/herself before thinking of the society
But then where is one without the society?
What does the society say about that situation....
' Nothing goes for nothing' or is it 'no one eats where he s****'?
The choice we face or risk taking is as good as that we do take
What matters most is that at the end of the day we can close our eyes and sleep at night
We can look out the window and smile at the warmth of the sun,
Walk on the streets without having to look above our shoulders
But then there's always a price to pay for doing what the heart says is
wrong even if it's for the right reasons.
Saying a 'Yes' when ur heart says 'No'
Imagine the Biblical story of Joseph
what would have happened if he had said yes when his heart said NO?
Or Jesus Christ,
what would have become of the world should he have accepted the Devil's tempting offer?
Most times our vision of tomorrow is so obscured with today's temptations
that we become enshrouded in our thoughts and selfish cravings
forgetting that Tomorrow will judge our actions today.
The compromise may be worth it today.
The prize may be won now but it's only temporary
Like an injury which heals the scars will haunt U for life
How would Joseph have reacted to the allegation of him sleeping with the wife of a top official after becoming second in command to the number 1 citizen of the biggest empire of his time?
Life is like a mirror, it only gives us what we give to it
Like an echo, it only tells us what we've said before

Like the indian god Buddah puts it....
'a man may conquer a million men in battle but but one who conquers himself is the greatest of conquerors'

Transparent Bottle

My arms run the full perimeter of your waist
As I lavish you with kisses: No time to waste
I kiss your ears,cheeks and forehead
Concentrating on your lips soft and sweet like Agege Bread
Sweeping you off your feet we approach Mount Olympus
I pray for long distance not a hundred meter race on the race course
Like a ripe Banana I peel your clothes off
Revealing the beauties behind the Prada, DnG Gucci and other stuff
You whisper sweet nonsense into my ears
As I narrate my ordeal waiting for you all these years
You tell me how you feel lonely and bored with your man
I promise to never leave you, by your side to always stand
Feeling like Mungo Park I explore your full anatomy
Hoping to give you a time never experienced in History
I approach your core amidst your subtle moans
You draw a map on my back, in turn I spill some groans
I call out your name, in return I get a slpa on my face
As my ears pick the choir singing Amazing Grace
'Boy don't tell me you were sleeping again'
'No Grand ma I was Praying' I lie as I try to subdue the pain
But You oblivious of how a man feels
Maintain your stand by your man my pastor on your high Heels.

Old school love...

A little humour can do, even when pocket is dry............................................



If you ve'never received letters like these, you know nothing

Dear Sugar
Time and ability plus double capacity has forced my pen to dance automatically on this benedicted sheet of paper. Why this miraculous thing happened is because honey I love you spontaneously and as I stand horizontal to the wall and perpendicular to the ground I only think of you, since you are a fantastic and fabulous girl. Darling please Stop haranguing with the feelings in my heart because I love you more than a snake loves rat. To me each day starts by thinking of you and ends by dreaming of you. Each time I see you my metabolism suddenly stops and my peristalsis goes in reverse gear. My medular-oblangata also stops functioning.
Crazy crazy crazy you may say but this is true. If only you knew what is going on in my encephalon you would understand. That's why I need to see you face to face with you, soon. I think I have to pen-off here because I still haven't finished studying electrolysis and polymerization. Catch you later. Sleep tight and don't let those bed bugs bite you coz you are too sweet a thing for them.
Yourz Ever,

Dear Honie
My Love, My Sugar, I was exasperated with pride to have received one from you, the lungs in my body flapped with joy when I have been reading your letter. Anyway by now you have reached the realisations to why I am jotting this small letter to you, yes it is to see if you are keeping with the sands of time.
How is everything on that other side of yours? Well here everything is just half lemon half sugar to make it Schweppes. How is your schooling? How are you pulling the wagons of life? I am just pulling the schooling thing like a donkey pulling a cart.

My honie, I am missing you very much right now, my heart is perambulating with every word that I write, if it was not for these oceans that decided to flow between us then I would get on the next bus to come and see you, but until then I know that I will not hesitate to put this blue blood on this paper and write to you. I remember that day lovie, that one sweet day as Maria Carey sanged it, you know that it is my favourite song honie. The one day that we were boarding the transport and you escorted me to my home, walking with you just brought sweet dreams to me for the rest of my life honie.

If words of love could ride a bicycle I would be competing against mariah carey Anyways, I will not stop you from reading the books that give you life and education so I will stop here for today.
Please always be writing to me because I am missing you like sugar misses tea.

Keep well my mop of my heart, Yours in flesh and in blood. And have a nice day

This gift called life

The sounds of crickets chirping, mosquitoes humming, or even the annoying snore from that lousy neighbor feels like a put off... most times these 'disturbing sounds' set the tone for a rather 'bad day'. But the truth is that, only the living can have a bad day. Life most times slaps us with rude stings when we loose those we love, our jobs, get dumped in relationships or just wake up with some disturbing disease, and life seems like a forgotten dream, a wasted effort... only the strong will survive.. only those willing to go on will live... Welcome to my world... The world from my Peekhole.