Friday, 6 April 2012

Cruxcified in The name Of the LORD....

ROMAN Catholic fanatics in the Philippines have been voluntarily nailed to the cross in a bloody display of religious frenzy as the Christian world marks the day Jesus was crucified.
The gruesome real-life re-enactments of the crucifixion, which are held every Good Friday, began in the farming region north of Manila at 11.00am
They are frowned at by the Catholic Church but have become freak tourist draws.
Faith healer Arturo Bating, 44, spread his arms and maintained stoic calm as neighbours hoisted him onto a wooden cross atop a sandy mound then drove 10-centimetre nails through his palms.
"This is a vow I had made to God, so that He will spare my family from sickness," the penitent, swathed in a white robe, Mr Bating said after his ordeal, which lasted several minutes and was seen by hundreds of people.

  "It was a bit painful but bearable," added the first-timer, who now intends to take part in the ritual every year.
Two other devotees were swiftly nailed on to the same cross in the village of San Juan, on the outskirts of the northern city of San Fernando.
Alex Laranang, 57, said he had had himself crucified every year for the past 12 years.
"I had made a vow to do this every year until I die," said Mr Laranang, who sells snacks aboard buses for a living.
"I do not expect anything in return. I do this for my God."
Like Mr Bating, he said the physical pain was a minor inconvenience.
"I hardly feel any pain. The nerves have been deadened," he said.
He added: "After this, I go home, eat and go to sleep. After two days I go back to work."
In the nearby village of San Pedro Cutud, local officials said up to 20 penitents would be nailed to crosses during the day.

A woman and four male devotees, including two who were doing it for the first time, were also set to be nailed to crosses during the day in Paombong town north of Manila, said local official Reynaldo Sulit.
Archbishop Jose Palma, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, said earlier this week that while the church did not encourage the extreme show of worship, it does not fault those who would go through it.
"We do not judge and condemn, but we discourage it," the church leader said on Catholic radio Veritas.
Crucifixions are the grisliest but by no means the only extreme acts of penitence on show in the Philippines, Asia's largest Catholic outpost where the sect counts some 75 million adherents.
Many Filipinos practiced more practical acts of piety like visiting a series of churches on foot to pray during the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday holidays.
But dozens of barefoot male devotees with black facial hoods whipped their bare backs bloody with strips of bamboo tied to a string as they went around the San Fernando neighbourhoods.

They were followed by groups of children who covered their faces as blood from the whips sprayed on to their clothes.
In Paombong, about a thousand spectators patiently waited for the crucifixions to start under the hot tropical sun.
"People here follow their own beliefs. We should not take that against them," said Ms Sulit, the local official who oversees the ceremony for the municipal government.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Another Animal Wonder: Calf born with six legs in Switzerland

Future: The farmer said that a curve in her spine means Lilli may never become a normal milk cow
Future: The farmer said that a curve in her spine means Lilli may never become a normal milk cow

Being born with two extra legs may not the best start in life for a cow, but Lilii, the six-legged calf, refuses to be cowed into hiding away because of her disability.
The plucky seven-week-old has defied the odds by thriving despite a vet's prediction at birth that it wouldn't survive.
She has now gone on to become a minor celebrity after Swiss media splashed with images of the calf frolicking across a sunny field.
Fighting fit: Lilli, has defied the odds by thriving despite a vet's prediction at birth that it wouldn't survive
Fighting fit: Lilli, has defied the odds by thriving despite a vet's prediction at birth that she wouldn't survive
 Farmer Andreas Knutti said he couldn't bring himself to euthanize the animal because she was 'so full of life'
Farmer Andreas Knutti from Weissenburg, which 19 miles (30 kilometres) south of the capital Bern, says he couldn't bring himself to euthanize the animal because she was 'so full of life.'

He told Swiss daily Blick Thursday that a curve in her spine means Lilli may never become a normal milk cow.
But Knutti says if the calf stays healthy she'll still be allowed to join the others when they head for their Alpine pastures this summer.

Mutations are not as rare as thought and a three-legged cat and two-headed lamb were born in Georgia earlier this year.
In January, a  piebald lamb, which has four legs at the front and two hind legs, was born in Velistsikhe, Georgia.
Unlike Lilli, it appears to have at least partial control of every limb on its body.
According to vet Auto Zardiashvili, the mutation may be due to issues at conception.
'Most probably there were twins, but then the embryos were united, and we've got a strange lamb,' Mr Zardiashvili said.
In 2006, a lamb with six legs, four at the front and two at the back, was born on a farm in Belgium.
And in August 2010, a two-legged lamb was born in China.
The lamb was to be killed but it is reported that when the farmer saw the lamb's determination to live, she dropped the idea and kept him as a pet.
Survival: It seems Lilli's zest for life saved her from certain death - in August 2010, a two-legged lamb was born in China. The lamb was to be killed but it is reported that when the farmer saw the lamb's determination to live, she kept him as a pet
Survival: It seems Lilli's zest for life saved her from certain death - in August 2010, a two-legged lamb was born in China. The lamb was to be killed but it is reported that when the farmer saw the lamb's determination to live, she kept him as a pet

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Improving Your Social Skills

There is an ideal that someone who is socially skilled speaks with a silver tongue and can dazzle a captive audience. There are plenty of books and other resources that you can invest in that promise to help you achieve this goal. Being successful in social situations, however, doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with speaking. Many people have asked me time after time, how I manage to socialize in an otherwise stiff crowd. My response over the years has been the same ... Well,here’s how you can improve your social skills without having to say a word in a social gathering.

Make yourself approachable

Making yourself approachable really comes down to two important elements: body language and facial expression. People are going to decide whether they want to approach you before they’ve heard you say a word. So here’s how you can say a lot without saying a thing.

Body language: Your body language speaks volumes about you. Next time you’re at a social gathering take a second to think what you’re body language is saying to others. Are you standing against a wall? If so, you’re saying: “Please don’t notice me, I wish I weren’t here.” Are your arms folded against your chest? If so, you’re saying: ”Stay away from me, I’m not going to tell you a thing about myself and don’t want anyone new entering my life.”
The way you stand at a social gathering sends a message to other guests. If you want to send a warm, welcoming message your body language should reflect that desire; this means standing with others, not off on your own. You don’t have to be the center of attention, but if you’re part of the action people are more likely to involve you in their conversation. Stand openly even if you aren’t comfortable, because you don’t have to appear that way. A relaxed, open stance invites other people to enter your space.

Facial expressions: Your face is the gateway to how you feel. This is why a strong poker face can mean the difference between winning the pot or losing it all. You don’t necessarily need to bluff in a social setting to win people’s interest, but keep in mind that your face is the first thing people are going to see, so what do you want it to say? A friendly smile, an understanding nod, a hearty laugh, and making eye contact are integral. They tell others that you are a good audience and someone who is enjoyable to talk to. If you notice yourself rolling your eyes and furrowing your brow in social situations, think about what you’re saying to others and why you may struggle in achieving social success.


Improve your conversational skills

Most people think that being a good conversationalist has everything to do with speaking confidently on a wide variety of subjects. But before you waste your time studying the latest trends in reality television, remember that a conversation has two roles: a speaker and a listener. You don’t have to be a Renaissance man to be a great conversationalist; you actually don’t have to speak much at all.

Actively listen: Active listening is a skill. It means maintaining eye contact and nodding as you listen. It is important that you give a speaker signs that they are reaching you and that you are interested. This gives them confidence to keep talking. On the other hand, nodding your head and maintaining eye contact are not enough on their own; to show you are listening, acknowledge that you understand what the person is trying to communicate. This can be achieved through the simple repetition of the point they were making or by rephrasing it.

Respond to the speaker: If a person has engaged you in a conversation it is likely on a topic that they are interested in. Make sure you ask exploratory questions. Exploratory questions are not questions that yield a yes or no response -- they are open-ended. Exploratory or open-ended questions, prompt someone to elaborate. For example, “Can you describe what it’s like?", “Tell me how you feel about..." or "What's your opinion on…?”  are all questions that can’t be answered with a monosyllabic response and can yield further insight into a person, a topic or provide the necessary material to allow a natural progression to a new topic.

Finally, respond to the speaker. People want to know that you are capable of formulating your own thoughts and opinions. Responding with your own thoughts -- after you’ve taken the time to understand the speaker’s perspective -- can change you from a nodding, regurgitating yes-man into an independent thinker who is interested in what the other person has to say.

Recognize and adapt to social norms

Remember: A social setting is a small society with its own norms, values and standards. For example, a nightclub social setting values different things than a public book reading. Understand what a social setting's norms are and how you can conform to them. It is important to understand your audience if you value being successful in social situations, because if you don’t understand your audience, you will just end up alienating yourself and others.

Dress for the occasion: Going to a club in jeans and a T-shirt would be inappropriate and start you off on the wrong foot. Dressing for social success means that you show up in attire that is appropriate to the situation. To ensure you are dressing appropriately for an event, you can call other people that you may be going with and ask them what they will be wearing. After all, asking ahead of time is much better than wishing you did when it’s too late.
Know the lingo:
Understand your social setting and what is appropriate to talk about. Most people think it’s generally safe to stay away from topics such as politics and religion. Depending on your audience, however, you may need to consider other topics to avoid. For example, while at a bachelor party don’t talk about your divorce or how you love the single lifestyle. Just like different cultures have different dialects, so do different social settings. It is important to know the dialect that is appropriate to your social setting, and that means think before you speak. Even if you don’t intend to be offensive, if someone takes offense from how you conduct yourself, it’s already too late.

be a social butterfly

Most of the tips above can be practiced in a variety of situations. You can be an active listener in any conversation. The same can be said about your body language, facial expressions and general behavior. Practice in environments where you are already comfortable. This can be achieved in the work place, amongst friends or with family. It is important to get a better handle on the process of nonverbal communication ahead of social situations rather than using social situations as an experiment.

Ultimately, the goal is to make you feel more confident in social situations. To achieve that confidence requires practice; if you practice you will improve your nonverbal skills and this will prepare you for any social setting. Once you are prepared, you will feel confident; when you’re confident, you will feel comfortable; when you’re comfortable, you’re more likely to be yourself. None of this is dependant on being the center of attention or the life of a party. Rather, it is dependant on being a good communicator who understands who they’re talking to.

Woman found Pregnant with DRUGS

Woman had drugs in fake baby bump

Police in Brazil have arrested a woman carrying more than 4lb of cocaine stashed inside a fake pregnant belly strapped around her waist.

Police at an airport in Brazil arrested a woman carrying cocaine inside a fake baby bump
Police at an airport in Brazil arrested a woman carrying cocaine inside a fake baby bump

    Paramedics wrongly declare a car crash victim dead

    PARAMEDICS who declared a car crash victim dead only for the State Emergency Service to later find his pulse will face questioning over the startling bungle.
    The 30-year old man who crashed his Porsche early yesterday morning in Bacchus Marsh, on Melbourne's northwest fringe, was being loaded into a coroner's van when it was discovered he was still alive.
    Paramedics had earlier assessed him as dead while the man remained trapped in the wreckage.
    The Hawthorn man is now in a critical condition in a Melbourne hospital.
    Ambulance Victoria regional manager Simon Thomson said an internal inquiry would now probe how the extraordinary mistake occurred.
    “Obviously this is a very serious incident and our paramedics are devastated about what's happened,” he told the ABC.
    “The paramedics - based on the information they had at the time - said that there were no signs of life, and obviously reflecting on that there has been a mistake.
    “These are two very experienced paramedics.”
    Tow truck operator Trevor Oliver said the man was left hanging upside down in his mangled car for about an hour before being pulled on to the ground and covered in black plastic.
    “After a while the police told the SES crews to remove the driver, who at this stage was supposedly deceased, from the vehicle,” Mr Oliver said.

    “There was some movement in the vehicle from the person who was trapped.

    “The SES removed the driver from the vehicle and put him on the ground and covered him in black plastic where he most probably lay for another hour or half hour.
    “The coroner's contractor turned up to remove the body and it was when they went to move the body into the coroner's van that they noticed that the driver had a very weak pulse.”
    Mr Oliver said it was at least two hours after the accident before the man's pulse was discovered.