Friday, 2 March 2012


ICDB is marked every first Sunday of March, a project of UNICEF launched in 1991. It encourages broadcasters around the world to focus on issues concerning children by producing programmes for and about children.

Education is the greatest legacy any nation can bequeath on its young people. According to statistics from the office the Millennium Development Goal (MDS), about 8.2 million children lack access to education in Nigeria. Even in states where education is supposedly free, teachers and the school authourities impose frequent levies and other conditions which defeat the purpose and intentions of government. The wide gap between public and private school education is a sure breeding ground for discontent, mistrust and apathy in our future leaders. How can we provide a level-playing ground for our children in the access to, and the quality of education?

Save for some public office holders who spare them a thought at festive seasons, Nigerians seem too preoccupied with their own socio-economic pressures to remember the less-privileged members of our society. What do we know about orphans in charity institutions? Who provides for the upkeep and their education? In a society where success in life may depend on your family background and connection, what are the chances of an orphan?

Save the future... save the child

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