Monday, 19 March 2012

Keeping your Palm open

           Have you ever noticed how when we cling too hard to something, we actually let it go? Let's get a little practical. Pour some rice grains in your hand and fold your hands to a fist so nothing goes out, then pour same quantity of rice grains in your other hand and leave it open. Which of these two hands end up with more grains? Exactly what I thought. The hand which was not folded into a fist, simply put, the palm which was left open. How do you move on when you stand still? How do you get anything new when your pocket is filled with old stock?

    Most times we view giving as a religious exercise, yet giving is the bane of life. Have you ever tried being overfed, yet refuse going to the toilet? Do you know that the inability to use the toilet is a medical disorder? When you get, you are expected to give some out. Till you give out, you are not likely to get anything new.You are likely to suffer from toilet disorder, and your body system experience high level of Mal-function. Like a pipe and drum. The pipe gets fresh every minute because it gives out as soon as it receives, the drum on the other hand only stores and gets filled, after a while it starts smelling of stale water.
       Giving out can be done in various ways. When you say kind words or words of advice to someone, you give out love and kindness. When you give out used clothes, food stuffs, money, toiletries, to those who cannot afford same, you share love. When you give out your time, talent or even lend your voice to someone's cause, you give out love. Nothing given out returns to you same way it left. I've always seen giving as a kind of trade service-- you give something now to get something in the future.


       Now 'there's no giving when the purse opens, and the palm releases but the heart is shut'. Giving starts with your heart, not your purse. If your heart is against you giving anything out, why do it? The heart and head must be in concord when carrying an act of giving or else that act becomes an act in futility. I have heard people say 'I don't give because what I have is not much'. Truth is... it doesn't matter. What matters most is the heart, and will to do same. Givers remain fresh like feed pipes, while receivers are like full drums... always smelly, old and stale.
       Keep your Palms open, after all when you die, you die empty with nothing you owe accompanying you to the world beyond.

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