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d’boss whose blog am writing on is one of my good buddies and I kept saying I
would splash my writing skills on his blog, but after almost one year I finally
decided it is time. How come am just getting the quietness of mind to write ?
maybe after the hurricane of heart break I’d been going through lately made me
more settled and quiet .
you would like to know more about that than how I graduated with straight A’s
in university (that s a lie though) “wink” .Well, lets start this way cos
from hence forth I hope never to be a stranger any more here on my friends
of all, what you need to know about me is that am a broadcaster , and you can
call me GD(meaning the grand duchess).Ok so there we go spelling all out for
let me unburden myself on you as I share with you how I got hit by a train .And
,wow ! am I still alive to tell?Tthe truth is am surviving.
all started almost a year and a half ago and I met this guy on the job. He
wasn’t what some will actually call Mr Wonderful in terms of look ,neither was
he bad bad looking .He was very talented as a broadcaster, and producer, a
fantastic editor ,but at the same time an impatient person, quick to conclude.
this part i hate to confess it to you , but since I want to get real on my
friend’s blog right ? I must say he’s aaaam (stammering ) kinda tell
small small lies (well when needed lol) whatever that meant don’t worry about
it. Yet I still love (oh should have been loved) him. But I still have feeling
fr him despite what he’s done.
I said it started almost a year ago and I met him on the job and we began
our little friendship that grew into a warm relationship. Then at some point he
called me one evening for us to take a drive round town and while he drove
said, “I have something to tell you (with all seriousness)
I said , “am listening “
continued not looking at me “I have come to love you and I would love to marry
you” ,I went all smiling sheepishly.
as I wanted to speak he said “shhh ,just listen “ and he continued “I love you
and would have loved to marry you ,but the problem is am Hausa and you Yoruba
besides we do not share same faith and all this makes it complicated for us to
be together’’
I said ,”what do you want us to do about it? He was silent and I
responded ,” you now what lets just think it all through. And , not rush into
we both agreed and we continued with the relationship .one year passed and we
break up and made up but I did more of the breaking ups than him. And before
the final crush I told him, please if you don’t see us working it out in the
long run don’t come back. Yet he came back and there we went ahead .
finally he told me “GD ,am getting married and my parents have chosen a date
for us to get married. Am sorry it has come to this ” .
was calm as he dropped the bomb on me, and I said why are you just telling me
as I turned to leave .He said, “wait don’t go ,sit down lets talk it through
and I went dead for a few seconds.
through? You’re sorry? ,I screamed . Talk about what? I asked. Don’t
worry I’ll be fine I wish you the best” I spat those words at him
and I ran away because I didn’t want him to see me break down in tears .
I cried my life out once I was in the confinement of my apartment .
it’s really painful and humiliating as I also knew the lady he was planning to
get married to. I asked my self what has culture, religion, got to do with love
and marriage? A lot you’ll say and I agreed a lot.But my heart is soooo crushed
I feel like a trailer ran over me or better to say I got hit by a train.
Months have passed now and am moving on ,but I miss him the way we drive round
town,his smile ,his touch and his ideas.But I’ll be just fine “with tears in my
eyes” guess I don’t sound convincing .Shhhh, I still miss him .
...............................................................................................................Memoirs of GD 1
...............................................................................................................Memoirs of GD 1
Hmmmmm GRAND DUCHESS.... now i know you outside being a colleague! it hurts when the right one loves a wrong one, right!! Love will withstand age, tradition and religion but even the bible says that "can two walk together except they agree" In as much as love knows no boundary, it still takes a man with a deep crested love for you to damn any consequence, be it parental rejection or cultural and religious differences to stick to the woman he loves...! it only means, a much more better, cuter guy is on the way for you but SOMETIMES with heartbreaks, WE tend to CONCENTRATE ON A CLOSED DOOR, so much that we fail to see that open door behind us..